This image is a horizontal bar graph divided into two sections: one for "Hombres" (men) in pink on the left side, and one for "Mujeres" (women) in blue on the right side. The vertical axis represents the days of the week: "Lunes" (Monday), "Martes" (Tuesday), "Miércoles" (Wednesday), "Jueves" (Thursday), "Viernes" (Friday), "Sábado" (Saturday), and "Domingo" (Sunday).The graph visually compares the data for men and women across the days of the week. The lengths of the bars indicate the value or frequency of the data for each day, with a clear division down the middle.The specific data values are not labeled, but the relative lengths of the bars provide a visual comparison:
- For men, the longest bars appear on Wednesday and Friday, while Monday has the shortest bar.
- For women, Friday has the longest bar, with progressively shorter bars towards Monday.